Google Says It Will Punish Those Without Mobile Compatibility

The days of easily tricking Google have faded away and a new Google has risen. Being friends with Google is the only way your sites are going to rank, at least for the long term. Here are some simple long lasting SEO tips. The one that mentions if your site is not mobile compatible you will get less ranking. Very interesting….

google gobuddy2 seoGoogle wants their users to be satisfied. If Google gives high ranks to bad websites, with terrible designs, slow page load speed, and difficult-to-navigate pages, users will look for alternative search solutions.A fast page load speed and a low bounce rate are two measureable indications of a good user experience. Additional qualitative measures include a nice design, easy navigation and a good UI……..

……..As an example, consider mobile devices. With the emergence and rapid growth of the mobile market, we can see how and why, in the future, Google will discount sites that aren't mobile device-compatible.Make sure your site is up-to-date with the latest mainstream technology. For example, verify that your mobile site is indexed by Google and submit a mobile sitemap. View the original article here

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